Support Tom Gleisner, Ed Kavalee and Tiffiny Hall in Run Melbourne to hit our $20,000 target!
Tuesday, June 16 2015Tom Gleisner – Quiz Master Extraordinaire of Have You Been Paying Attention? – is tackling Run Melbourne again this year on JULY 24. And this time he’s bringing two friends, Ed Kavalee and Tiffiny Hall. Each will head a team for L4Life. Please click on the team of your choice below to donate! There’s still time to join a team by following the directions here.
Support our teams in Run Melbourne and help L4Life reach our $20,000 goal!
To help children with Autism from financially disadvantaged families receive crucial intensive early intervention therapy, simply support one of our special team leaders—Ed Kavalee, Tom Gleisner or Tiffiny Hall—by clicking on their link below.
$60 funds an hour of this therapy for a child.
And if you would like to sign up and join the fun, there’s still time…
1/ Go to the Run Melbourne 2016 Sole Motive page and press on the grey rectangular button in the middle of the page that says ‘Register Now’.
2/ On the Login/Register page, follow the directions to either create an account (if you haven’t previously created an account) or Login (if you have previously created an account). A potentially confusing bit here – if you’re registering, you just need to enter your email address and click Login.
3/ Once you Login, you’ll be taken to a page where you’ll need to fill out your personal details. After you fill in the spaces, press ‘Next’.
4/ The next page will ask you for your entry details. For ‘Are you part of a team?’ click ‘Yes’. Underneath that where it asks ‘Are you creating a team?’ click ‘No’.
You will then have the option to scroll down through a long list of teams. Depending on which team you would like to join, click on Team L4Life Ed, Team L4Life Tiff or Team L4Life Tom.
You’ll also be asked your Start Group: Tiff is Wave A 10K, Tom is Wave C 10K and Ed is Wave C 5K
Then there will be various other questions to answer about emergency contacts, medical conditions, etc. You will need to click that you understand that the event is non-refundable and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before you can successfully click on the ‘Next’ button to move on to the next page.
5/ The ‘Next’ buttons from there will take you through other charity and shopping pages for you to respond to as you wish. After you have finished with those and pressed ‘Next’, you will arrive at the ‘Review’ page where you can verify that all of your details are correct. Then click ‘Next’.
6/ At this point, you’re hopefully at the Payment page where you’ll need to fill in your payment details. When your transaction is successful, your next page will be your Congratulations page where you can access your e-ticket and your receipt.
Importantly, this is also where the link is to start fundraising by creating your own Everyday Hero page. Just press on the ‘START FUNDRAISING’ banner next to the image of the hand with the heart in its palm.
7/ You should now be in the Run Melbourne Everyday Hero site. In the upper right hand corner is a red and white ‘Start Fundraising’ tab and ‘Log In’ tab. Each will take you to a page where you can either Log In (if you have an existing Everyday Hero account) or Sign Up (if you need to set up an Everyday Hero account and fundraising/supporter page). You can not set up a fundraising/supporter page through Everyday Hero without setting up an Everyday Hero account first.
8/ Then, you should arrive onto your new fundraising/supporter page with your selected team indicated at the right side. Depending on how much you want to share, upload your photo, tell your story, then start posting away to your network!
If you already have a fundraising/support page but haven’t yet joined a team, click on the team below that you wish to join, then click the ‘Join Team’ button on that team page.
Prices: $55 for the 5km event and $70 for the 10km event.
We’re encouraging everyone to aim for a minimum $700 fundraising target. That said, every bit helps. The funds you raise will help children with autism from financially disadvantaged families to receive life-changing intensive, early intervention, ABA-based therapy so they can reach their full potential.
If you have questions, please contact either Mary Muirhead at [email protected], or Natalia Molini at [email protected].
Happy training and fundraising!